SCX is diving into the Tuner realm with an upcoming set and this latest offering the "Tuner Car 2" as SCX calls it. It's based on an Opel something that most in the North American market no little or nothing about. But with it's general resemblance to most small imports out there this car shouldn't feel completely foreign to the tuner crowd. The paint is well done in two-tone white with blue pearlescent paint that changes to purplish depending on which way to turn the car.

The body is nicely contoured with large flares that give the car a nice wide look.

The driver reminds me of Vin Diesel...in fact I don't remember seeing a slot car driver (either real or in 1/32 scale) quite this "buff".

A look under the car give a clue about several interesting things about this car.

Neon lights and the motor pod.
First the neon.

I've been a big fan of neon under cars since the trend started in the early 90's. I know, I know, it's just odd to put lights under a car but who cares...it looks cool cruising down the boulevard late at night, now doesn't it?
There is bleed through on the body from the lights, a few coats of paint or some tape inside the body and this should disappear. Or just ignore it and enjoy a little street racin' with all that cool emerald glow.
If you open up the car you can see the usual "wireless" system that SCX uses and the LED's used to light this car up (or is it light this car down?)

The light is transmitted from the wicked-bright LED's inside, down to these clear pieces of plastic, the system works quite well.

The motor pod.
Remove the 5 body screws (4 up front and 1 in the back) take a look inside the body at the chassis to see a new (I think it's new anyway) mounting system SCX has for this car and motor pod. Rather than a pod with two pivoting points, this pod has small posts at the corners that allow the pod to rattle.

A wider shot of the whole chassis.

With the RX-42 motor out.

The motor provides more than adequate power, especially since this is a Tuner after all and not a race car...
Moving on to other details of the car...the mufflers (or..um...fartcans) look a bit odd to my eyes. I've never seen an arrangement like that of real far...mufflers, but who am I to judge what's cool in the Tuner world, eh?

And of course, what's a tuner without a thumpin' stereo?

Well the small stock magnet holds the car on plastic track firmly but is certainly not a heavy feel by any means. The pod allows quite a bit of movement although at first glance you'd think a snap in pod that's held in four places wouldn't have much movement...you'd be wrong. The tires grip quite well and should be at home on plastic and wood surfaces. On my wood track the car drives very well. It's well behaved in the corners with nice slides that you really can actually drive and stear the car with quite easily. The speed of the car is nicely suited for a smaller track, while I don't think it will win many long track races against higher rpm motors, it's a solid performer and balances the car well. I did tons of laps with this car. It's very, very easy to drive. All the things you'd like to see in a car this car has. The power comes on in a predictable way and the car feels very well balanced going around the corners. Of all the laps I did with the car I only deslotted twice. And both times the car did a very easy slide out and not a violent ass-over-tailfeathers flip...I'm a huge fan of those characteristics...

Ready or not...here come the tuners!
A huge thanks to SCX for sending the car for review.
Publisher, Slot Car News
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